Ginger and Paul Meeker wish to thank all the good friends, listed or not listed, that helped over the years to make these awards possible and to the photographers for such fine pictures!
We cannot express to you all the joy we have had for the privilege of sharing these gorgeous creatures. We are truly blessed by our acquaintance, however brief, with each kitten and cat. We treasure all the memories of the friends and relationships, Veterinarians and people in the show halls throughout the world. That includes long drives with each other and friends, flights, motel rooms, fires and storms, plus car trouble encountered in the process of such achievements.
Ginger accepts an Australian Club Banner for Roylbrits Queen Argante of Castlkatz from the Judge recently returned from Queensland, Australia cat show.
1990 Awards
CFA Northwest Regional Award
Best Particolor British Shorthair
Best of Color
Qualifier Purina/CFA Invitational Cat Show
GC Castlkatz Tapestry
Breeders: Paul and Ginger Meeker
Qualifier Purina/CFA Invitational Cat Show
CH Truebrit Victorias Secret
Breeders: Colin-Jo Cornwall
Qualifier Purina/CFA Invitational Cat Show
CFA Northwest Region Award
4th Best Cat in Premiership
GC Supakatz Chelsea Girl of Castlkatz
Breeder: Mrs. Fay Adamson
CFA Northwest Region Award
Best of Color Class - Blue-Cream British Shorthair
GC Castlkatz Tapestry
Breeders: Paul and Ginger Meeker
CFA Northwest Region Award
Second Best of Color Class - Blue Spotted British Shorthair
CH Castlkatz Benny Hill
Breeders: Paul and Ginger Meeker
1991 Awards
CFA Northwest Region Award
Second Best of Color Class - Blue Spotted British Shorthair
CH Castlkatz Benny Hill
Breeders: Paul and Ginger Meeker
1992 Awards
Now Thats A Cat Ginger Meeker & The British Shorthair
Featured in Cats and Their Women
and Tiger Tribe
CFA Northwest Region Award
Best of Color Class - Blue Spotted British Shorthair
GC Castlkatz Benny Hill
Breeders: Paul and Ginger Meeker
1993 Awards
CFA First Red Tabby and White Grand
GP Castlkatz Royal Stewart Plaid
Owners: Leeanne Dunham - K.S. Woodlief
Breeders: Paul and Ginger Meeker
CFA Northwest Region Award
Best of Color Class-Brown Mackerel Tabby British Shorthair
GC Castlkatz Cadbury Country Fudge
Breeders: Paul and Ginger Meeker
CFA Northwest Region Award
Best Parti-Color British Shorthair
GC Castlkatz Satin N Lace of Cantagree
Owners: Scott and Karen Beyl
Breeders: Paul and Ginger Meeker
CFA Northwest Region Award
7th Best Alter
4th Best Shorthair Cat in Premiership
GC, GP Castlkatz Tapestry
Breeders: Paul and Ginger Meeker
1994 Awards
Salt Lake City Fanciers
Peoples Choice Award: Favorite Cat
GC Castlkatz Uther Pendragon
Breeders: Paul and Ginger Meeker
CFA Northwest Region Award
Best of Color Class
CFA National Award
2nd Best Tabby British Shorthair
GC Castlkatz Cadbury Country Fudge
Breeders: Paul and Ginger Meeker
1995 Awards
CFA Northwest Region Award
20th Best Cat in Championship
Best of Breed; Best of Color; Best of Color Class
GC, RW Earendil Heart to Hart of Castlkatz
Breeders: Scott & Thora Hart/Jean Thawley
CFA Northwest Region Award
Second Best of Color Class (Blue Mackerel Tabby)
CH Castlkatz Tabitha Twitchit
Breeders: Paul and Ginger Meeker
1996 Awards
CFA Cattery of Excellence
Castlkatz Cattery
CFA Northwest Region Award
9th Best Kitten
Best Parti-Color British Shorthair (Blue/White BiColor)
GC, RW Castlkatz Heart O My Heart
Breeder: Paul and Ginger Meeker
CFA Northwest Region Award
8th Best Cat in Premiership
GP, RW Castlkatz Phileas T. Fogg of Remick
Breeders: Paul and Ginger Meeker
Owners: Michael & Susan Hogge
CFA Northwest Region Award
Second Best British Shorthair
2nd Best Solid Color British Shorthair
Castlkatz Uther Pendragon
Breeders: Paul and Ginger Meeker
CFA National Award
Best Parti-Color British Shorthair
GC Castlkatz Harts Desire of RiceHope
Breeders: Paul and Ginger Meeker
Owners: Emily and Douglas Turner
1997 Awards
CFA Northwest Region Award
Second Best British Shorthair
Second Best Solid Color British Shorthair
GC Castlkatz Royal Grenadier Guard
Breeders: Paul and Ginger Meeker
1998 Awards
CFA Paper Tigers Cat Club
Paul & Ginger Meeker get ready to put
on their first cat show in Boise, Idaho
CFA Northwest Region Award
9th Best Cat in Championship
Best British Shorthair; Best Solid Color British Shorthair
GC, RW Castlkatz Heartleys Legacy
Breeders: Paul and Ginger Meeker
CFA Northwest Region Award
2nd Best Solid Color British Shorthair
GC Earendil Mouseketeer of Castlkatz
Breeders: Scott & Thora Hart
CFA National Award
Distinguished Merit Award (10 Grands, 4 GC-6GP)
CH Castlkatz Sarah Burnheart, DM
Breeders: Paul and Ginger Meeker
CFA National Award
Best British Shorthair; Best Solid Color British
GC, RW Castlkatz Heartleys Legacy
Breeders: Paul and Ginger Meeker
1999 Awards
Friskies Winner x2
Fancy Feast Cup
CC, RW Castlkatz Royalscots Gray
Breeders: Paul and Ginger Meeker
Highest Scoring Cat in Show
La Perm Society of America
GC Castlkatz Harvey
Breeders: Paul and Ginger Meeker
CFA National Award
Best Solid Color British Shorthair
CFA Northwest Region Award
10th Best Cat in Championship
Best British Shorthair; Best Solid Color British Shorthair
CC, RW Castlkatz Royalscots Gray
Breeders: Paul and Ginger Meeker
CFA Northwest Region Award
Best Cat in Premiership
GP, RW Castlkatz Puddin-in-the Mix
Breeders: Paul and Ginger Meeker
Owners: Michael & Susan Hogge